
Sunday, August 5, 2007

BODiBEAT Matches Music to Your Exercise

Yamaha has come up with a music player specially for sportive people. What this gadget does that not other player does? It matches music to the pace of your workout.

They claim their <>player to be "the first music playback device that synchronizes your music to the movement of your workout." How it does that? Easy, it monitors your pulse and then selects a song that matches the pace of your exercise.

The wonderful toy will cost you $ 300 and it has a 512 MB on flash memory built in. Not much for $ 300, I would expect it to recognize what exercise I am doing and have a month record on that for such price. Or maybe the technology of pace meter and a song matching is so darn expensive.

I wonder what happens if it does not really find the song to your pace.

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